Tokeneke Classic

Tokeneke Classic, Regional Road Race Championships, Connecticut State Championships, and generally anticipated hard race. 66 miles with over 6700 feet of climbing. Having been focusing on sprints and starts for cross, this seemed quite daunting to me. That, on top of the 3 hour drive down there made me a bit apprehensive to register. Though, in a show for the …

Exeter Classic, Three for Three.

Last night’s Exeter Classic criterium proved to be quite successful, despite my early nerves. As I stated in prior posts, crit racing makes me a bit nervous. Tighter groups, faster racing, more corners. Crashing is inevitable. Going into the race I was nervous not just about crashing, but also the reglist, as I saw Gabby Durrin and Crystal Anthony had …

Purgatory RR Victory!

So, I am doing a terrible job of regular blogging, but I am either too busy to write, or too bored and uninspired. On Thursday at the track I wrote a great blog article in my head, but by the time I had to time write it on Friday it was gone. My brain is like a sieve. A very …

CX nationals pre ride video

Onboard gopro footage of my preride of the USAC Cyclocross Nationals course on Friday, Januaury 9, 2015. The course was shortened due to long lap times and the stupidly terrible uphill barrier section was removed, and may not be totally representative of the elite races for Sunday. Friday morning held some rain so the course was slick, but was getting …