Kerstperiode – The Only Gift CX Needs

The turn-around from Nationals to Europe was short – after a good showing (or a bad showing, I don’t remember) at the after party, the Kona Crew packed up and shipped out Monday morning to be in Belgium by Tuesday afternoon. I wasn’t planning to race until Namur on Sunday, but given the choice between a paid AirBnb and a …

Pan American Podium

Pan-American Championships. It’s the American version of European Continental Championships, but we include North and South American continents because we are just that awesome(ly underrepresented). It is a race that has gained in popularity since its inception in 2014. I feel for many US racers it may mean less than the US Nationals, but for at least the elite women …

Woodstock Wrenching Cycling GP

After last year’s highly acclaimed “Woodstock Firebelly” blog, I got many requests for a blog after this year’s Women’s Woodstock Cycling Grand Prix. Well, bad news folks, as I had to tell my host house mommy Joanne in answer to her question the moment I walked in: I had no upset stomach, and no chemical concoction of horror inside of …