I really loved the feedback I got on my last post! Between the post and the race, a lot of good conversation happened here, on Twitter, and that good old-fashion face-to-face communication that may never have actually happened as it was not meticulously documented. Many people understood my frustration with a lack of upgrade, some thought I should have been granted …
Winter Blues is Too Happy a Term
This has been a tough winter. I had such DREAMS! Just kidding, I didn’t have any dreams, but I did expect to have some level of motivation – to be able at the very least to keep up with a silly little blog. Truth is, it’s a mix of things. I mostly felt I haven’t been doing anything worth sharing …
Must start by sharing THIS TOTALLY AWESOME MOOSE!! Since living in New Hampshire I have seen only moose poop, and a dead moose. No live moose sightings. UNTIL NOW! When driving to find a picnic spot, this specimen was spotted near Bartlett, NH. Now, onto much less pressing or exciting news. After a very successful weekend at the Ellison Park …
New bike, play time
Christmas came early!!! Last night I thought I was taking part in a sketchy deal. I almost refused to go, though I am glad I went, I WAS PICKING UP MY NEW MOUNTAIN BIKE!!! Totally stoked, took it for a spin at Kingdom Trails in VT. BEAUTIFUL day and such great trails. I may have wrecked and hurt my knee, …