2014 is about to end, but for me I feel like my year won’t actually be over until after nationals. I will celebrate the year with some moderate level of excitement, but it will be overshadowed by my pre-race nerves. I get so unbelievably nervous before races. If you have read my blog before, or have been anywhere near me before a race, you know. And nationals is a big one. It’s like… maybe the biggest. This one result could easily sum up an entire season. I don’t think anyone can have a “break-out ride” at nationals. A top 10 at Nittany may have been my break-out ride. My riding in the chase group at Sterling may also have been considered one, but all that is left of that race is a DNF. Results are what are written down and read by those that can make or break a career. I believe that at Nationals there is a 5-spot window where any rider should slot in to. If they mechanical/wreck/have some other misfortune, they could place lower, but I really don’t see anyone getting a result that makes someone go “wow, where did they come from?” at Nationals. Maybe this has happened before and I am being naive, but this is the race where everyone brings their A-game.
So yea, I am nervous. For this one day that defines my season. If you are sitting there thinking that is not what this race is, then what the HECK is it? The race that arbitrarily determines who can wear our nation’s flag for the next year? It’s a big deal.
But, that is not for another… some number of days I have been avoiding counting on account of my nerves. I have been trying to maintain this “race weight” that everyone raves about. It sucks. Sitting here, right now, I don’t feel hungry, but I do have a very strong urge to eat. I blame the general increasing in eating because of “the holiday season”, or whatever that is supposed to be.
So what have I been doing to finish up 2014?
I went on a snowy road trip to Ohio. (Only the trip was snowy, there was no snow at the starting point or the destination).
I ate pancakes that spelled my name (thanks Dad!)

I raced in Indianapolis, and WON! The following links go to dirtwire, where you can find an interview and the race highlights! It was a great treat to race near my hometown.
Interview: http://dirtwire.tv/2014/12/who-is-1-women-ovcx-14/
Race highlight Vid: http://dirtwire.tv/2014/12/ovcx-14-women-st-marys/
Spent some time with family.

I came back to New Hampshire.

I put up what might be the world’s cutest Christmas tree.
I rode my bike in the cold.

2014 has been pretty great. Maybe the year with the most changes in my life, but the best changes. It was rung in with a smile, and it will go out with a smile.
What is up for me next?? Going to the Resolution Cup Cross race in Texas! Flying out Jan 2 to meet my teammates in Austin, TX so we can head out to this last UCI race before NATIONALS the following Sunday. Looking forward to a week with the team, training, hanging out, and then racing our skulls off so that we can justify partying afterwards. Why do you think I am taking an evening flight on Monday coming home? 😉
I hope everyone had a great 2014, and I hope everyone has a very safe and happy New Year’s Eve! Then of course a safe and happier 2015!!